Episode Three: Silver Maple Tale

This week’s story is our first to feature a plant: the silver maple! Silver maples have special leaves—they’re green on the top, and silvery grey on the bottom. When the wind blows, the leaves flash and seem almost to sparkle.

Click on the illustration to hear me tell this week’s story on IGTV. Follow me there to see when new stories are released.


If you live in Montreal, click the image to find an interactive map of every tree located on public land (put together by Québio, an organization concerned with biodiversity in Québed.) If you live elsewhere, check to see if you have access to a resource like this! It’s a great way to get to know your local trees.

Silver maple leaves (top)

Silver maple leaves (top)

Wondering if you’ve found a silver maple? Here are the leaves of a silver maple we found on our walk the other day. Notice the silvery-grey colour on the bottom!

Silver maple leaves (bottom)

Silver maple leaves (bottom)